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Volunteer Pathway to Employment Overview

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NameTelephoneEmail AddressAssessment DateAssessment NotesSecond ContactNotesThird ContactNotesFourth ContactNotesFifth ContactNotes
Gillian Mcnicol07854724276Email hidden; Javascript is required.17/07/2024

Email sent to Lesley to follow up with her and see if she needs any further support


Voicemail left and followed up with email to see if I can help or support Lesley in any way.

Jill Wernham07775890195Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Appointment not required as she already volunteers with Hull CVS

Chawan Zangana07438224834Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Jonathan Carroll07410582960Email hidden; Javascript is required.09/07/2024

Email sent to Jonathan asking if he requires any further support.


Left a voicemail and sent an email asking if Jonathan requires any further advice or support.

Vivienne De Luca07956886584Email hidden; Javascript is required.25/06/2024



Vivienne is applying for her Core Theory year in TA and would like to look at Volunteer Opportunities at HER Breast Friends.


Contacted Vivienne regarding attending HER Breast Friends on Tuesday 6th August for the Volunteer Day and to meet Jayne Beck.


Vivienne came in for an appointment and she said that she has gained a place on the Foundation Certificate in Transactional Analysis at the Ellesmere Centre starting in September. Vivienne was unable to attend the volunteer day at her breast friends on 6th August, but she is looking at attending the next one on 3rd September.

20/08/2024 - Vivienne has enrolled on the Foundation Certificate in TA.


Attended HER Breast Friends with Vivienne. We both had a tour of the premises and Vivienne would like to sign up to become a volunteer for them. She is starting on Tuesday 05/11/2024

De Hempstock07929109103Email hidden; Javascript is required.

De is already volunteering at HER Breast Friends and has enrolled on the Award in Volunteering Level 1.


De confirmed that she has enrolled on the Award in Volunteering Level 1, but she hasn't started it yet.


A check in to see how De is getting on with the workbook for the Award in Volunteering.


De has completed the Level 1 Award in Volunteering

Glen Foston07581840880Email hidden; Javascript is required.16/07/2024

Email sent to Glen to follow up and see if he requires any further support. 17/07/24 - Glen informed me that he is starting a Voluntary placement in 2 weeks time at Giroscope.


Email sent to Glen to see if he has started his Giroscope volunteer placement.

Karen Rustill07368826923Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Karen is already volunteering at HICA and is hoping to enrol on the Level 2 in Dementia Care


Email sent to Karen asking if she requires any further support.


I called Karen to see how she was getting on with her course. She said that she hasn't started yet as she has no access to a laptop. She is going to see if she can use a computer at the Freedom Centre. I have emailed Lucy at Hull College to check that she is still ok completing this.

Lorraine Everitt07816996160Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Unable to contact to arrange a date


Left message on answerphone to call me and followed up with email.


Left a voice message to call be back.

Ashley-jay Ellis07426977253Email hidden; Javascript is required.08/07/2024

I will contact British Heart Foundation on Holderness Road as they are looking for a Warehouse Operative

Ashley came to him appointment and we signed him up to Time2Volunteer. He showed an interest in a Warehouse Volunteer at British Heart Foundation. I contacted them and they advised that he has to apply on indeed. I forwarded the link to Ashley and I also sent him information about a Construction Volunteer at Giroscope. Awaiting to hear back from him.


Email sent to Ashley to say that unfortunately I can't be a referee for him, as I haven't known him long enough. Made suggestions of who he could ask instead and offered further support if required.


Spoke to Ashley today, he is just waiting on sending referee information through to British Heart Foundation and he is hoping to start volunteering in the warehouse.


Voice message left for Ashley to call me.


I called Ashley today and he confirmed that he has started as a Warehouse Operative Volunteer for British Heart Foundation one day a week. He is enjoying the opportunity.

Darren Ackroyd07597738802Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Leszek Kobylecki07979426451Email hidden; Javascript is required.25/06/2024

25/06/24 I contacted Francis at HANA regarding a Volunteer Opportunity for Leszek and he has an appointment on 01/07/24, awaiting confirmation that he will be attending

Leszek didn’t attend appointment


Email sent to Leszek asking if he requires any further support. He did not attend the meeting at HANA.


I emailed Leszek to see if he would like another appointment with Francis at HANA.


I emailed Leszek to see if he wanted an appointment with HANA and I also asked about whether he would be interested in volunteering opportunites at the Goodwin Centre.

Emma Rowbottom07851825999Email hidden; Javascript is required.17/07/2024

Email sent to Emma to follow up and see if she requires any further support.


Voicemail left and followed up with email to see if I can help or support Emma in any way.

David Lau07562984290Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Aleida Bedford07867677799Email hidden; Javascript is required.09/09/2024

Aleida has applied for a befriender role with Age UK. She is waiting to hear from them. She also is down to volunteer with Hull Churches Home From Hospital, but they are waiting to find her someone that lives in Willerby, so that it is close to where she lives, as she doesn't drive. 10/09/2024 - I have been in touch with MHA to see if they have any befriending opportunities in Willerby and I have also emailed her with some opportunities on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council jobs website.


Sent Aleida the details for MHA Befriender roles.
Aleida emailed me back to say that she was attending a volunteer course at East Riding Leisure Haltemprice with Joanna and Angela from MHA they are going to help her make the application.

NameTelephoneEmail AddressAssessment DateAssessment NotesSecond ContactNotesThird ContactNotesFourth ContactNotesFifth ContactNotes